Thursday, April 2, 2009


Hi everyone!!! 

I'm working on a project for my Master program at London College of Fashion and was hoping you could give me your opinion on the following illustrations for a kid's website ages 5-12. You can say what you want, I'll take it as constructive criticism.

I'm especially looking forward to comments from moms, dads and kids (ages 5-12) in the UK because that's where the project will initially take place but since it will later expand, it really doesn't matter where you are... all comments welcome.

Here is what I need to know:
  1. what is your age? (or age of child)
  2. are you a female or male? (or expressing the opinion of your son/daughter)
  3. which country do you live in?
  4. which of the illustrations do you and your child like the most? why?
  5. do you or your child particularly dislike any of the illustrations?
  6. would you or your child change anything? what?
  7. any comments you wish to add?
Thanking You in advance for your time and comments!!! I really appreciate it,



  1. I really liked all the drawings, especially the first one! I wish you a lot of success in your project! and lots of love from your family here in costa rica!
